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Would you let an intern have her old job after she gets promoted? Perhaps she could start her "hands-on" training by learning the clean-up routine :)

Creo es un derecho del jefe el disponer sexualmente de su secretaria. Mi esposa me comunicó esa intención de su jefe, dispusimos admitiera acostarse con él protegiendo su empleo, así lo hacen una o dos veces a la semana. Al ser casada su jefe no quiere ponerse preservativos y se lo hace directamente eyaculando dentro de ella, la dice que si queda embarazada será su esposo el responsable, la toma fotografías en su conformidad de tener sexo con él evitando así una posible denuncia de acoso. .Mmmmmmm I LOVE to see the girl rub in the fresh load of cum into her tits. Could you please post one where you cum all over her pussy and have her rub it into all her nooks and crannies? Pretty please.Hahaha. Iover your videos, she is so fuckin sexy. As soon as the video starts my cock gets hard and I have to grab it and jerk on it. You two are such a turn on. HOT Video WHat legs and an ass on her. OMG That front view did it I shot my load. WOW she is HOT! Awsome cumshot can I please lick her clean? I'd like to see her tear off of too tight clothing while working out and stretching that incredible body. Wet t-shirt. Anything. She's an instant boner.